Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry

We believe that, when a man goes all-in for Jesus, his influence reverberates through to his wife, his kids, his workplace, his community, and his church. He becomes a disciple-maker if only through the sermon of his life. He’ll become a more generous giver, both of his time and his treasure. He’ll draw other men to Jesus. Over time, his friends will be attracted to what he has and how he lives. Men in the church will respect and follow him.

This is why men from our church meet every Wednesday evening for Bible study. We study the Word of God as given to us through the books of the Bible.

There are 5 principles we keep in mind in our Men’s Ministry:

Long Term, Low Pressure

It takes a long time to make a disciple. We must give men permission to stand around the rim of what we are doing and observe. Men come along at different speeds. Give them permission to buy in at their own pace, and allow them to come on board at their own level of involvement.

Show men Christ rather than focusing on fixing their behaviour

We can point men to Christ, but the Holy Spirit must change their lives. That’s why we say, Christianity is not about behaviour modification, it’s about heart transformation.

Relationship based rather than task oriented

Without real and deep relationships, men will feel no sense of community with one another. If we only call men together to “do” there will be no glue to hold them together when the planned event is over. Events attract men, relationships make them stick.

Three goals for every man

  1. Read his Bible daily and eventually begin to journal his thoughts and prayers.
  2. Join a small group for Bible Study and accountability.
  3. Engage in personal ministry where he serves out of the overflow of his relationship with Christ and his brothers.

Five responsibilities for every man

  1. His walk with God
  2. His relationship with his wife 
  3. His relationship with his children 
  4. His personal finances 
  5. His health