We believe and testify that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and the New Testament (The Holy Bible) is the inspired and infallible Word of God.
We believe that the Holy Bible is the revelation from God and is the ultimate authority in matters of faith and Christian life.
(Exod. 24:7 ; Deut.4:1,2 ; Josh. 1:8 ; John 5:39 ; 1 Thes. 2:13 ; 2 Tim.3:16,17 ; 2 Pet. 1:19-21 ; Rev. 22:18-20).
We believe and testify that there is one true, living God. He is the Creator, Sustainer and Ruler over all things seen and unseen. He is eternal and perfect in all His attributes.
We believe that the one God eternally exists in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and that these three are one God, co-equal and co-eternal, having precisely the same nature and attributes, and worthy of precisely the same worship, confidence, and obedience.
(Gen. 1:1; Exod 3:14; Deut. 6:4; Is. 44:6; 45:5-6; Matt. 28:19; John 10:30; 2 Cor. 13:14; Ephes. 4:4-6; Col. 1:15-17; 1 John 5:7-8, 20).
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is true God and is of the same nature and co-eternal with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. When the fullness of the time had come, Jesus Christ became incarnate being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He has two natures, a divine nature and a human nature, He lived a life without sin, died for our sins on the cross of Golgotha, he rose on the third day in the body, it has ascended to heaven and is now to the right of the Father. He is the only mediator between God and men, and nobody comes to the Father but through Him.
(Is. 7:14; Matt. 1:18-23; Luke 1:34-35; John 1:1, 14; 10:30; 14:6-10; 1 Cor. 15:3-4; 1 Tim. 2:5; Heb 4:15; 1 John 5:20).
We believe that the Holy Spirit is God and that He is of the same nature as God the Father and God the Son. We believe that the Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus Christ, is the originator of the new birth, guides the believer and convinces the world of sin and judgment.
We believe that the baptism with the Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ takes place when the believer is born again and the evidence of the baptism with the Holy Spirit manifests through the fruit of the Spirit and not through the mandatory manifestation of a particular gift or sign. Thus, the Holy Spirit lives in the believer from the moment he is born again, gifts him with spiritual gifts for ministry and power to leave a godly life.
(Gen. 1:2; Matt. 3:16; Luke 12:12; John 16:7-14; Acts 5:3-4; 1 Cor. 12:4-13; Ephes. 1:13-14; Gal. 5:22-23).
We believe and testify that man is created by God. Man’s body (the material nature) is made out of the dirt of the ground, and the spiritual nature of man (the spirit) is from God, in His image and likeness.
God created man without sin, but not perfect: with the free will to choose between good and evil. This means that man is accountable to God for all his deeds.
By falling into sin, man fell under the curse and became unable to live the will of God. As a consequence of adamic sin, every human being is born with a sinful nature. Other major consequences of the fall are: Spiritual death and physical death.
We believe that all humans are sinful and are in need of forgiveness and salvation.
(Gen. 1:26-28; 2:7; 5:1-2; Ps. 8:3-6; Mat.12:36; Rom. 3:23; 5:12,19; 7:17,18,20,23; 14:12; 2 Cor.5:10; Ephes. 2:1-3; Heb. 9:27).
We believe and testify that man was created by God in His image and likeness, for His glory and for a happy life in Him, he was enticed by the devil and by this he became disobedient to God’s command, and thus sin and curse entered the world.
Sin is the lack of conformity to the moral nature of God, whether in an action, disposition, attitude, or thought.
Sin is universal. All humans without exception have sinned and that is why all people are sinners.
The wages of sin is death.
(Gen. 3:13 ; 1 John 3:4;5:17 ; Rom 6:13;14:23 ; James 4:17 ; Ps.51:4 ; Eccles.7:29; Rom 3:23;5:12 ; Eccles. 7:20 ; Job 15:16 ; 1 John 1:8; Rom 6:23;5:12 ; Gen 2:17 ; James 1:15)
We believe and testify that SALVATION is man’s escape from the consequences of breaking the divine laws. It has to do with human nature and his deeds.
We believe that salvation is God’s gift, and therefore it cannot be obtained by good deeds. To be saved, the sinful man must meet two inseparable conditions: repent and by faith receive Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. Thus, man is born again and becomes a child of God.
We believe that the saved man is called to live a holy life, to manifest the fruit of the Spirit, and to do good deeds as a result of his faith.
We believe that a saved believer is kept in the state of grace by the power of God until he willfully and consciously leaves this state.
(Mark 1:15;16:15-16; John 1:12-13;3:3-7, 16; Acts 2:37-38;10:43;16:30-31;17:30-31; Rom. 1:16;2:4;8:15-16;10:9-10; 2 Cor. 5:17; Ephes. 2:1-10; Phil. 2:12; Col. 3:8-10; 1 Thes. 4:3-4; 5:23; Tit 2:11-13; Heb 12:14; 1 Pet. 1:14-16).
We believe and testify that according to the teaching of the New Testament, the Church is founded by the Lord Jesus Christ and has the following mission:
- to glorify God and worship Him,
- preach the gospel to every creature,
- to be made up and raised by the believers in the likeness of the face of Jesus.
From the day of Pentecost there is the universal church and the local church.
- The universal Church is made up of those redeemed by the blood of Christ from every nation, seed, ethnic group, and language of all times, from heaven and earth. This Church is not a visible earthly organization, but is a living, spiritual organism of the saved, that is, those who believed in Christ and were born again.
- The local church is the voluntary unity of a group of believers from a locality, born again and baptized on the basis of the personal confession of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ—as their Savior.
The direct leadership of the Church is Christ through the Holy Spirit. We don’t recognise hierarchical degrees. Those who receive certain assignments are servants of the Church, not masters who command. Members between them are called “brothers” and are equal in rights and duties, regardless of race, nationality, social class or educational training.
Each member has a duty to materially support the work of the gospel.
Discipline of church members (reprimand, lifting of rights, exclusion) is done by the decision of the church, on the basis of the Word of God.
(Matt. 16:18;18:15-18; Acts 2:41-42;9:31;20:28; 1 Cor. 1:2;3:11;5:3-13;9:14-16; Rom. 16:17; Gal. 1:2; Ephes. 1:22-23;2:19-22; Col. 1:18; 1 Tim. 3:15; Tit 2:15; 2 Thess. 3:14-15; Rev. 5:9-10;7:9-10).
We believe and testify that the Churches of the New Testament had several temporary ministries, which were those of the New Testament apostles and prophets. These ministries ceased with the end of the New Testament. There are, however, two other kinds of ministers who remain at all times:
- Elders (bishops, pastors, presbyteries). Their work is primarily to nourish and supervise the Church. They must fulfil those qualities that Scripture requires of them in 1 Tim 3:1-7 and Tit 1:5-9.
- Deacons. They have a responsibility to assist the pastor in the task of administering the material assets of the Church. They are meant to cultivate the giving of members, to inspire philanthropic actions. It must have the qualities shown in 1 Tim. 3:8-13.
We believe and testify that the priesthood, according to the New Testament, does not form a special class, but a quality that every believer has: it is universal. Every believer is a priest. Everyone has the right to approach God directly through the Lord Jesus, without any other mediator.
We believe that, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, through fasting and prayer, each local church can choose its servants: pastors, deacons, missionaries, evangelists. The choice of ministers must meet the requirements of the Holy Scriptures. Although men and women are equal before God, we believe that the Bible only allows the ordination of brethren in these ministries.
We believe that the local Church is autonomous, and its governing bodies are the pastor, the church committee and the assembly of members.
(Matt. 22:34-40; 22:21; 28:18-20; Mark 16: 15-16; John 17:21; Acts 1:8, 2:42-47; 6:3-6; 13:2-3; 14:23; 15:22; 1 Tim. 2:9-15; 3:1-13; 4:14; Tit 1:5-9; 1 Pet. 5:1-4) .
We believe and testify that the New Testament Church has two symbols: BAPTISM and THE LORD’S SUPPER. They are not mysteries, but commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ, which the Church must fulfil.
BAPTISM. The Greek word for baptism is “baptizo” and means “to immerse”. Thus, the very translation of the word shows the form of baptism, that it is by immersion and not by sprinkling at all. The sinking is done only once, in the name of the Holy Trinity.
Baptism is the symbol of the burial of the old man and the resurrection of the new man, of the new nature, for a new life with Christ.
Baptism does not have the quality to cleanse sins, the cleansing of sins is done only by the Lord Jesus Christ. Baptism itself is the public testimony of the believer that he has already received this cleansing of sins.
For someone to be baptized, he must first receive salvation, to have a clean mind, so he must have fulfilled the conditions of salvation: repentance and faith. Children, since they cannot confess that they have met these conditions, cannot be admitted for baptism.
THE LORD’S SUPPER is the symbol of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ in our place. Through it we have fellowship with Christ and with each other. In the Bible it also appears under the name of the Lord’s Mass (1Cor.10:21) or the breaking of bread (Acts 2:42; 20:7)
The elements that make up the Lord’s Supper are the bread and fruit of the vine. Broken bread reminds us of His Body that broke for us, and the wine reminds us of His blood shed for the cleansing of our sins.
The Lord’s supper has no capacity to forgive sins. It is only meant to remind us that for the forgiveness of our sins His body had to be broken and His blood shed. He commanded us to practice The Lord’s Supper.
(Matt. 26:26-29; 28:19-20; Mark. 14:22-25; 16:15-16; Luke 22:14-20; Acts 2:37-41; Rom. 6:3-5; 1 Cor. 10.16-17; 11:23-34; Gal. 3:26-27; 1 Pet. 3:21)
We believe and testify that the Church has the right and duty to exercise brotherly discipline over its members who have deviated from the Christian teaching of the Word of God through attitude, teaching, or the deeds of life.
Discipline consists of reprimand, the lifting of rights, and exclusion from the Church.
The return of an excluded will be done on the basis of the confession.
(Matt 18:15-17; Tit 3:10; 2 Thess. 3:6; 1Cor. 5:11-13).
We believe and testify that the Day of the Lord is a Christian ordinance, to be kept continuously, spent in worship and spiritual reflection, both in the Church and at home.
Unlike the old mosaic settlement, when the seventh day was held, Christians, as members of the new settlement, must keep the FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK (SUNDAY) which was sanctified by God by the resurrection from the dead of His Son and by the sending of the Holy Ghost.
(Mark 16:9; Luke 24:1-6; John 20:1; Acts 2:1-4;20:7; Rev. 1:10; 1 Cor.16:2)
We believe and testify that according to the teaching of the Holy Scriptures, marriage is ordained by God.
Marriage is the willful act by which a man and a woman consent to live together for the rest of their lives. The man is allowed to have only one woman as a wife, and the woman is allowed to have only one man as a husband. After the death of one of the spouses, the remaining spouse can remarry.
Since marriage is also a citizen’s ordinance, it must first be concluded with acts according to the laws of the State, and then the blessing of the Church follows. We want Christians to enter into a marriage in the Lord.
In the event of proven adultery, or a mischievous departure of the home, we believe that the Holy Scripture admits the divorce and remarriage of the innocent party.
(Gen. 1:27,28; 1Cor. 7:39; Rom. 7:2; 2 Cor.16:14; Mal. 2:16).
We believe and testify that according to the teaching of the Word of God and the practice of the first Christians, Church members are morally responsible to willingly contribute, as appropriate, from their material goods to the support of the cause of the gospel.
Some practical examples are:
– supporting those who are engaged in the work of preaching the gospel
– helping the poor, orphans and widows
– building sites for worship
(2 Cor. 9:6,7; Exod. 25:2;35:5; 1 Chron. 29:5; Rom.12:8; Philippians 4:16,18; 1Tim. 5:18; Acts 11:29; Rom.15:26).
We believe and testify that prayer is the state of intimate fellowship of man with God. It is the sincere expression of the heart before the Lord. That’s why we don’t have prayer books and we don’t urge others to learn prayers by heart.
Prayer should be addressed to the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus. He being the only mediator between man and God. Prayers to the Saints we believe are not in accordance with the Holy Scriptures.
Prayer is absolutely necessary for spiritual life to grow, strengthen faith, keep from temptations, and overcome the Devil.
Personal prayer can be done anywhere, and common prayer is done in fellowship with other believers in the Churches.
Prayers for the dead were not practiced in the Christian Church. We believe that they have no value, because the dead one arrived at his place immediately after death, with no possibility of change from one place to another.
(Ps. 62:8;142:1,2; Philippians 4:6; 1Tim. 2:1; John 16:23; Luke 18:1; 1Thess.5:17; Ephes.3:16).
We believe and testify that the dominions were ordained by God to protect those who do good and punish those who do evil. Every Christian is called to pray for the authorities and be a good citizen of his country.
We believe that the Church is separate from the state, but every believer has the right, by their own name, to participate in elections, to be part of political or public organizations, if this does not go contrary to the principles of the gospel.
If the requirements of the authorities are at odds with the Holy Scripture, we reserve the right to do as the Word of God requires.
(Matt. 22:21; Acts 4:19;5:29; Tit 3:1; Rom. 13:1-7; 1 Pet. 2:13,14; 1 Tim. 2:1-3)
INTERMEDIATE STATE (The state of the soul between physical and judgmental death).
We believe and testify that upon physical death, the body, which is from dust (matter), is lowered into the grave, and the soul that is from God (spirit) continues to exist consciously.
The dwelling of the dead is the term used most in the Bible for the place where souls enter the state of punishment or reward pending judgment.
The souls of the faithful go to heaven and the unsaved go to hell. In both these states of mind, they are conscious and awaiting judgment. They’re without bodies.
(Matt 10:28;17:1-8; Rev. 6:9,10;20:4; 2 Cor. 5:1,6,7,8; Luke 16:19 31;23:42,43)
We believe and testify that according to the teachings of the New Testament, our Lord Jesus Christ, who ascended to heaven, will come with glory and brilliance to make the judgment of the living and the dead.
His coming will be seen by all and will happen at the moment that only God the Father knows.
When He comes, the dead will be resurrected, and the faithful who remain alive will be changed in an instant and raptured to meet the Lord.
(1 Thess. 4:16; Acts 1:11; Mark 13:26; Matt 24:36)
We believe and testify that at the Second Coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the dead will be resurrected, and those who will be alive upon the return of the Lord Jesus will be changed in an instant and given immortal bodies.
The faithful will have glorified in immortal bodies that will be similar to the body of Jesus after the Resurrection.
The unbelievers will have immortal bodies with whom they will spend eternity in hell.
(John 5:28,29; Acts 24:15; 1 Cor. 15:42,52,53; Philippians 3:21; Rev. 20:13)
We believe and testify that every man will be rightly judged by God through Jesus Christ, our Lord, to receive reward or punishment according to his deeds in his earthly life.
This judgment is final, universal, public.
(Acts 17:30,31; Rom. 2:16; 2 Cor. 5:10; Rev. 20:12)
We believe and testify that according to the New Testament, after judgment, the saved will inherit eternal life in heavenly happiness, and the unsaved will be banished from the face of God to eternal punishment. In these states will be the whole being: the resurrected body changed into immortality and the soul.
(Matt 25:34,46; Rev. 21:3,4; 22:3-5; Luke 16:26; Rev.14:1)